Copies of Unwinding Road: Some Poems a Story can be ordered  in paperback and eBook formats. Options include Amazon (USA, CA, AU & UK), Barnes & Noble (USA) & Book Depository (UK/International).


The gift of poetry is to stretch an image every which way, allowing it to serve as a prism.  It offers an opportunity to see something of interest and transform it into something of value.

The pieces written in Unwinding Road are meant to offer a glimpse of a road travelled over time – a road that inevitably leads to love and loss, fear and hope, birth and death, growing up and growing old.

Years ago, Robert Frost wrote the famous poem known to many world-wide, called The Road Not Taken. He comes to a point where the path he is on appears to diverge. Which way to go?  Whatever the choice, the path taken will make all the difference over time.

It may be that the road does not diverge – that it is one continuous road, with multiple twists and turns, with obstacles to be faced and challenges to be met.  It may be the path we choose feels less travelled because it is solitary.  It may be that there is only one road that defines who we are when we are born, and who we manage to become when we die.

Original poems by Christine Bienko

Original line drawings by Salvatore Oggiano

ISBN  978-0-2288-5698-6


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