Tennyson Inspires

It is something we all experience at some point in life.  Loss, and the grief that comes with it.  Certainly, a wealth of inspiration for poets.  Some say death is a reason to celebrate a life lived to its fullness, for better or worse.  Others would argue that death is an opportunity to reconcile complex emotions.  Either way, sadness is inevitable.  A life lost cannot be replaced.  Especially when it has been deeply rooted in shared experience.

One of my favorite poets is Alfred Tennyson.  Like most poets – and writers at large – Tennyson draws from life experience to create powerful images. One of his best  known poem – Ulysses – was written in 1833. It was written shortly after the death of close friend and fellow poet, Arthur Hallam.  He was only 22.  

In the poem, Ulysses, a Greek hero, reflects on his life.  He is now an old man.


We are not now that strength which in old days

Moved earth and heaven, that which we are, we are,

One equal temper by time and fate, but strong in will

To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.


The last line resonates for many.  Despite the losses suffered in life there is a need to forge ahead, despite the odds.  Sadly, Tennyson’s young friend did not have that opportunity to live out the destiny of becoming a well-known poet like Tennyson.  Fortunately, his short life inspired Tennyson to write countless wonderful poems that continue to be read and loved to


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