deeds define one voice
reaching deep into shadows
planting lasting seeds
I wonder about an infinite number of things. For as long as I can recall, my wandering mind has taken me to so many destinations in my never ending need to understand the character and quality of life on this planet. Often, it keeps me awake at night! It would likely take a lifetime to understand a fraction of what happens in the world, and why. Despite the multiple news feeds available on digital platforms. Despite the multiple social media sites that offer a particular slant on “persons of interest”.
Inevitably, I am faced with more questions than answers. Except for a few select threads that continue to resonate in my personal experience over the years. One of the most important is the understanding that each of us gets one shot at living our one life. What we say and do matters. What others say and do matters. We do not live in a vacuum. We are not only responsible for ourselves, but each other.
In my years as a teacher/guidance counsellor working in an inner-city high school, I was forever struck by the population of marginalized youth. Despite the many wonderful programs implemented by a wealth of amazing teachers and support staff, there were kids left behind. Some got into a mess of trouble. Some did not have a safe place to live. Some were simply overwhelmed by repeated failures, and dropped out of school.
One of the community partners my school worked with was Covenant House. Its mission statement is self explanatory: Supporting the vulnerable youth who come through our doors. Simply knowing there was somewhere kids beyond my professional reach could go was reassuring. The services it provides remain well known to cities across Canada, the United States and Central America.
In the last year I have launched my wandering mind into a place where I have enjoyed endless flights of fancy as an avid reader. Entering from the unique perspective of a writer. In particular, a poet. One of the many thoughts – besides relief! – that I have upon finishing my first book of poetry is directed at the reader. Needless to say, I hope my poems will impact readers in a meaningful way. Equally important, I want readers to know that a percentage of my book sales will be donated to Covenant House.